08/05/1999 The cable modem is finally here, Ill just do it myself
Its finally time for me to go back to work. Its actually a relief to get back to work. After taking a five-day weekend and not really enjoying it, works not a bad alternative. I have a lot of catch up work to do, so that kept me busy most of the day.
I head home at lunch and decide to check out some speeds. No change. I go outside and follow the coax from inside the house to outside it see if I can find any problems. I really cant see anything too wrong, the cable goes from the wall down the side of house t a T. One side of the T has a cable, and the other has a big piece of metal screwed on it. I follow that until it gets to the ground. Theres not a whole lot I can do then. I go back to work and further continue to get caught up and have no time to call tech support.
I go home and try my computer, thinking that maybe someone has tried to fix my problem. Nothing has changed. I call tech support again. At this point Im feeling more defeated then I am upset. I get an agent on the line. I tell her to look at my issue and tell whats going on. Im getting sick of explaining the situation. She tells me they are working on it. Ive given up at this point; I dont have the energy to fight.
I decide to replace all the cables inside my house, networking and coax. I also try going directly from the wall to the cable modem and then to my computer. I even try a laptop just in case it is a setting on my computer that is wrong. Nothing! My girlfriends brother calls and we begin talking about cable modems and how he just got one thats pretty slow. He said had done some searches and found some MTU registry settings as well as an @home patch. In a fit of desperation I get all of that stuff and I also start reading some cable modem documents on the Internet. After all that, still no change in speed.
I go about other things like unpacking and organizing. Later on that night my mind drifts to the cable modem and begins to think about all the calls Ive placed and all the responses of gotten and all the RF technicians that were supposed to be at my house. I get real angry and decide to call them and find out exactly what has been done technically with my issue. I call at 10:32CST not realizing that they are in the Eastern Time zone (they close at 11). Im so worked up, it makes it tough to go to sleep, but I do. Before I fall asleep, I figure out my plan. Call MI and find out what technically they have done. Then, since they cant help me, Ill call Madison and see where I can get from there.