08/10/1999 NOC NOC. Who's there? Yo'r. Yo'r who? Yo'r still SLOW!
Around 10am Matt calls with an update. He tells me that my issue has been escalated to the NOC. I pause to let him finish but apparently thats all he has to say. "Whats a NOC?" I respond. He tells me that NOC stands for Network Operations Center. "Okay," I say. I pause again to let him tell me what the plan of action is. Nothing is offered to me. Realizing that Im leading this conversation I say, "well, dont you think that we are looking at a problem on a component level? I think something in my area is simply failing." "Yes, but that also is handled at the NOC." I let him off the phone.
So basically I think that I have gotten the blow off from Matt. If you work tech support you understand that once you escalate an issue or transfer and issue, its no longer yours to solve or follow up on, thus eliminating your responsibility. My prediction is that I wont I hear anything for a few days and Ill call on Wednesday and ask what exactly has been done to solve my issue. Ill get side stepped around until it comes out that all thats been done is line tests and no physical replacement of anything. I guess well find out what happens.