08/21/1999 – 08/22/1999 – Things begin to get weird…

It’s been a good weekend so far. E-mail has worked and my connection hasn’t dropped. Of course I have people e-mailing me about their 150k-200k transfers but that’s okay. The weird part comes on Sunday when I get an e-mail from someone telling me that hacking websites leads to no good and spent 6 months in jail because of it. Apparently he was replying to an e-mail I posted in alt.binaires.hacking.websites. Unfortunately I don’t have that message with me, I will post it tomorrow though. Basically, it was a dare to hack my website. Thing is, I didn’t post that message, someone from Bay City MI did using my name and e-mail address. I’m not sure why, but I’ve really made someone angry. I’m not sure if this is the same guy that sent me hate mail on Friday, because it is possible that I’ve made two enemies since Thursday but I find it odd that someone’s taken this much offense to my web page. Fortunately or unfortunately, I’m going to say that anyone who can hack a website isn’t going to be reading dares in news groups. I think my page would probably be a lot less of a score then say the public libraries website? I don’t know.

I haven’t been called yet so I am assuming that all is planned for Monday at four. I’m not sure why they’ve made appointments with all the people in my neighborhood. It stands to reason that once I’m fixed, everyone else in the area will be too because I think anyone who has read this page can agree that this is not isolated to my house. Cross your fingers for me.
