Letters from YOU
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Hey!   It's time to get you in print!  You've read the story, and if you haven't then go read it now!  I want your letters.  I want to know how you feel about the story or if you have a story of your own.  Even if you hate me or think i'm a press monger, lay it on me.  You may just see your letter up here in lights.


Bresnan @home

I'm moving to the Madison area soon, and I was interested in getting cable modem service after I settled in. However, after perusing your website, I'm extremely disenchanted with the idea. I was wondering if things have improved since August. Is it worth it? Has Bresnan got their act together? I would appreciate any information you could share. Thanks in advance.

Right now I would have to say they have thier act together.  Though they are adding 40 users a day (so they say) that are adding a few more T1's and a DS3.  I can't prove that they are adding that bandwidth, but it's what they say.

I post em as I get em, so let your thoughts loose!  e-mail